Büyükelçinin Mesajı

Dear guests,

Welcome to the webpage of the Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye in Singapore!

While the diplomatic ties that exist between Türkiyeand Singapore since 1969 may seem relatively new, the historic ties between the Turks and the Singaporeans date back to over 150 years ago.

Bilateral relations between Türkiyeand Singapore reflect the common resolve of our two countries to cooperate and deepen relations in a constructive and visionary manner, based on mutual understanding and benefit. They were elevated to the level of strategic partnership in 2014. The conclusion of a Free Trade Agreement in 2017 has been a landmark achievement in materializing the common vision of strategic partnership. In fact as two major hubs in their region, cooperation between Türkiyeand Singapore offer a significant potential that is yet to be fully exploited.

Further expansion and deepening of our bilateral relations in every field, including in academic and cultural areas, is our overarching goal. While our nations may be far apart geographically, we share a common view on a very wide range of issues.

That said we are very much aware of the indispensable element and the purpose of our cooperation: people-to-people ties between Turks and Singaporeans and contributing to their peace, prosperity and safety!

The existence of a compact but highly efficient Turkish community in Singapore adds to our relations a robust human dimension that is conducive to further strengthening our interaction.

And certainly there is more to be achieved. It is the purpose of this Embassy and our team to work for the advancement of Turkish – Singaporean relations in every field. We are here to explore new ways of increasing trade and investment and to help our peoples in getting to know each other.

Our Embassy can be followed on our Twitteraddress @SingapurBE (https://www.twitter.com/SingapurBE/),Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/SingapurBE/) and its website(http://singapur.be.mfa.gov.tr).

You can reach us at +65 6422 7322, +65 6533 3390 and at +65 8448 9836 for emergency or via e-mail at http://singapur.be.mfa.gov.tr. We look forward to your contributions and proposals to better serve you and to the furthering of relations between our two countries.

We would also like to encourage you to assist us in promoting Turkish – Singaporean relations. All you have to do is to start exploring the websites below with your next Click!.


Mehmet Burçin Gönenli



https://www.tccb.gov.tr/en/ (Presidency of the Republic of Turkey)

https://www.mfa.gov.tr/default.en.mfa (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

https://www.invest.gov.tr/en/Pages/home-page.aspx (Invest in Turkey)

https://cbfo.gov.tr/en/ (Finance Office)

https://www.iletisim.gov.tr/english (Directorate of Communications)

https://www.trtworld.com/ (Turkish Radio and Television Corporation)

https://www.aa.com.tr/en (Anadolu News Agency)

http://www.goturkiye.com/(Official Travel Guide of Turkey - GoTürkiye)

https://www.ktb.gov.tr/?_Dil=2 (Ministry of Culture and Tourism)

https://www.kulturportali.gov.tr/ (Turkish Culture Portal)

https://www.turkishairlines.com/en-int/ (Turkish Airlines)


Mehmet Burçin Gönenli Ambassador
Monday - Friday

09:00 - 12:30 / 14:00 - 18:00

Submission to Consular Section 09:30-12:00 / Collection from Consular Section 14:30-16:30
1/2/2023 1/2/2023 New Year's Day
1/24/2023 1/24/2023 Chinese New Year
4/7/2023 4/7/2023 Good Friday
4/22/2023 4/22/2023 Hari Raya Puasa
5/1/2023 5/1/2023 Labour Day
6/2/2023 6/2/2023 Vesak Day
6/29/2023 6/29/2023 Hari Raya Haji
8/9/2023 8/9/2023 National Day of Singapore
10/29/2023 10/29/2023 Turkish National Day
11/13/2023 11/13/2023 Deepavali
12/25/2023 12/25/2023 Christmas Day